To use a REALTOR or not? That seems to be the question. Does a REALTOR better serve a buyer or a seller? and in what ways? Of course the decision to engage a REALTOR rests solely with the buyer or seller, but here are a few advantages to working with an agent, no matter which side of the bargaining table you are sitting on.
First things first, a REALTOR is not a sales representative, rather a REALTOR will oook after your interests - and she/he is legally and ethically obligated to do just that.
For buyers considering whether or not to work with a real estate agent, consider the following:
1) Working with a REALTOR is free to the buyer. It won't make a difference in the purchase price of a house or property as the commission is paid by the seller. As a buyer you get the benefit of experienced representation at no cost, and how often does that happen?
2) An experienced real estate professional can use his or her knowledge of the market to provide long term investment advice, which basically means helping you get the most bang for your buck when you buy AND when you're ready to sell.
3) With a REALTOR you won't encounter any surprise costs. Over the course of a real estate contract there are costs incurred by both the buyer and seller that relate to things like inspections, loans, appraisals, title work and so on. An experienced agent will help outline these costs for you so that you don't have any surprises along the way.
4) Real estate agents have many resources to help you with your property search, including but not limited to access to the Multiple Listing Services, connnections with other agents, sellers, and the ability to uncover unlisted properties.
5) Whether it's the selection process, negotiations or closing one of the greatest advantages to having a REALTOR is the ability to get objective information. Buying and selling homes can be a very emotional process. As a third party, an agent can help you see the facts for what they really are, whether it's unexpected repairs, community information on utilities, zoning, repairs or what have you.
6) A real estate agent can help you do your due diligence when buying a property by referring you to qualified responsible professionals who can provide inspections, review title work, etc. A good inspection and a clean title (especially out here where there can be access and easement issues on rural properties) can resolve issues that might otherwise become a headache later.
For sellers considering whether or not to engage a real estate professional, consider the following:
1) One of the biggest advantages to a seller is that a REALTOR can provide up-to-date information as it relates to the current marketplace, price points, financing and the terms and conditions of competing properties, which helps you settle on the best price quickly with minimal hassles.
2) In addition to providing you with current information about the real estate market, a REALTOR also works as a marketing coordinator by making sure that your property is marketed to other real estate agents, the public, the MLS and other cooperating networks.
3) 82% of real estate sales are the product of agent contacts such as previous clients, referrals, friends, family and personal networks. Why not have that 82% on your side?
4) When you work with an agent you don't need to allow strangers into your home.
5) In the same way that an agent can help buyers retain their objectivity, so can they with sellers. A REALTOR can help objectively evaluate a buyer's proposal without compromising your marketing position. A sales contract is only the beginning of a transaction and there are likely to be unforeseen circumstances along the way. An agent can help you navigate things like unexpected repairs, title blight, and excessive paperwork to arrive at a successful closing.
Personally, I worked with a REALTOR when I bought my first home, and before I became one. Now if only I could engage a similar sort of representative when it comes to buying and selling automobiles! If you're interested in working with a qualified REALTOR in the Salida, Colorado area, you can reach me at: hale@weshillrealestate.com or direct at 719.221.4637. If you're curious about properties on the market, please visit our sebsite: http://www.weshillrealestate.com/.
K. Hale Chamblee
Direct: 719.221.4637
Email: Hale@WesHillRealEstate.com
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