On Tuesday, the 2011 USA Pro Cycling Challenge began in Salida. The world's top male cyclists rode from Salida to Mount Crested Butte in a scant 4 hours, 29 minutes, and change. A first time event, as well as, a first for Salida in terms of an event of this magnitude, and I didn't kow quite what to expect. How many people would there be? Would they - riders, crew, fans, etc. - treat our town with respect? How would they treat me? Would I be able to get to work? What would the vibe be like? How excited would people be? How would we show our spirit? The answers to all of these questions and more? The vibe was great. People from all walks of life were excited to be here. Crews, from volunteer to event staff, were professional and efficient. Law enforcement was present and unimposing. Mountain bikes, fixies, cruisers, and penny farthings were all present. Local musicians plucked and played together. Community, civic participation, spontaneous human and human-powered-machine interaction were all there. Take note of the shot of the "Victoria" sign at the race start, taken by Jeff Gross of Getty Images. What a great place to live, Salida, we're not just in the Heart of the Rockies, we are the Heart of the Rockies!
K. Hale Chamblee
Broker Associate
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