Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Arkansas River Valley By: Dan Shuford

Here in the Arkansas River valley spring is in full swing. The rivers are raging, the trees are budding and the grass is taking off. No matter what your recreational taste, spring has something for everyone. River rafting is at its peak. If you haven’t been down Brown Canyon or the Gorge with the river running in the mid 2000 cfs, you need to add it to your bucket list. It totally changes the ride. The mild temperatures make hiking and biking even more enjoyable. The downtown is bustling with business putting out their new summer wares. Within a couple of weeks, our largest festival of the year kicks off as Fibark draws from all over the world.

As for me, I am starting my first ever garden. Now why would a drummer/bodybuilder have any interest in a garden you may ask? Well until I got in and started working the dirt, I too would be interested in knowing the answer to that one. You see, I am a very early morning person (normally up by 5:00 am at the latest) and there is just nothing more satisfying than going out and working in the garden with the beautiful views of the surrounding mountains. After a couple of hours of digging, raking, moving rock, and planting; to be able to sit and relax with a cup of java and look up at this magnificence is simply indescribable.

And to think some poor soul is sipping their coffee at some Starbuck’s while returning emails on their computer.

Ahhh, this is the life of Chaffee County!

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